Thursday 20 September 2012

5 Internet Marketing Trends to Watch For in 2012

The world of Internet marketing is a fast-changing one; there are constantly new products, new conventions, new opportunities for reaching a wider audience. So, it stands to bear that 2012 would usher in new SEO trends. Here are a few areas we at CyberMark predict will be particularly important for the next 12 months.
Social Media Marketing
A few years ago, having a Facebook page or Twitter account for your business was a novel way to extend your web presence beyond the company website; nowadays, social media marketing is becoming a necessity to staying competitive. The majority of companies are using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or other relevant social media channels to market their business, and most believe that social media marketing is crucial to their business’ future success. If your company isn’t on social media yet, or isn’t taking full advantage of current branded channels, you could be missing out on valuable business.
Mobile Marketing
As more and more customers are researching businesses on the go, it’s becoming more and more important to optimize your mobile website. The easier and faster it is for mobile users to find out pertinent information about your company, the more likely those users will become customers. Make sure your website is mobile friendly, or take it the next level by developing smartphone apps that enhance your customer service on mobile devices.
Local Marketing
Local SEO is always something to pay attention to for companies that rely on area customers for business. However, the coming year will offer even more opportunities for localized Internet marketing, with social media, review sites and new local directories. Make sure your organization is maximizing its local marketing potential.
More Meaningful Web Content
Just as with 2011, 2012 is likely to bring more Google Panda search algorithm updates. These updates are designed to value quality web content, content that offers helpful information customers can use, and alternately, devalue keyword-stuffed, spammy content. To make sure your website doesn’t take a hit, you might want to step up your game with content that is both informative and SEO-friendly.
Studies show that most Internet users are comfortable with making purchases online. Customers love the idea of being able to easily, quickly and safely (especially safely) buy items online. And thankfully, there’s now plenty of budget-friendly, reliable ecommerce software options. If you haven’t already, 2012 may be the year to expand your store online.
CyberMark can help you take advantage of these trends so that your business can benefit and grow for new opportunities. To find out more, please contact us for a free consultation.